

Joe Boyle

Joe lives in Lake Elmo, MN and is retired after a long career in valve sales. He was responsible for the eastern USA and international sales. Prior to that he served in the US Army as a photojournalist and was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas and Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.  He currently volunteers weekly for the Washington County Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Minnesota Meals on Wheels. He's been happily married for more than thirty years and has two grown daughters and a son-in-law. He strongly values his friendships, old and new. He's an avid reader and music lover. 


Mark Wolak

Mark lives in Lake Elmo Minnesota with his wife, Julie, and two independent and chatty cats, Rocky and Oscar.  The idea for Stories in Life came to fruition after sharing many stories and laughter with family, friends, neighbors and colleagues. 

Mark loves to learn.  He spent 40 years in education as a teacher and leader in both rural and metropolitan school districts.  Now, his mission is to write and tell great stories. Stories that inspire and encourage others to make connection with others, overcome adversity and find meaning in the extraordinary stories of everyday people.